WMS for INSPIRE Agriculture Facilities, CHR
Web Map Service providing access to Agriculture Facilities from The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. The contents are data from the data set Central Husbandry Register (CHR), transformed to the INSPIRE AF GML application schema v4.0. CHR is the central database used for registration of holdings and animals. It is owned by the Ministry of Environment and Food and was established in 1992. The CHR contains information on all holdings with cattle, pigs, sheep and goats plus commercialised holdings with poultry, fur animals, deer, game birds and fish.
- Titel
WMS for INSPIRE Agriculture Facilities, CHR
- Dato (Publication)
- 2018-02-01
Ansvarlig myndighed og kontaktoplysninger
- Kontakt vedr. service
Organisationsnavn E-mail adresse Rolle Klimadatastyrelsen
Point of contact
- Metadata author
Organisationsnavn E-mail adresse Rolle Klimadatastyrelsen
Point of contact
- Nøgleord
- Nøgleord
- Type
- Theme
- Nøgleord
- Type
- Theme
- Titel
INSPIRE Service taxonomy
- Dato (Publication)
- 2010-04-22
- Nøgleord
Agricultural and aquaculture facilities
- Type
- Theme
- Titel
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Dato (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
- Servicetype
- view
- Version
- Koblingstype
- Loose
- Indeholder operationer
Operationsnavn Distribuerede computerplatforme Forbindelsespunkt GetCapabilities
Web services https://services.kortforsyningen.dk/af_inspire GetMap
Web services https://services.kortforsyningen.dk/af_inspire
Vilkår for brug
- Type af brugsbegrænsning
- Other restrictions
- Beskrivelse af begrænsning
- No conditions apply to access and use
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Beskrivelse af begrænsning
- No limitations on public access
- Type som metadata beskriver
- Service
- Andre
Resultat af overholdelse
- Dato (Publication)
- 2010-12-08
- Erklæring
See the referenced specification
- Specifikation overholdes
- Yes
Resultat af overholdelse
- Titel
INSPIRE Data Specification on Agricultural and Aquaculture Facilities – Technical Guidelines
- Dato (Publication)
- 2013-12-10
- Erklæring
See the referenced specification
- Beskrivelse
Data from the data set Central Husbandry Register (CHR) , transformed to the INSPIRE AF GML application schema v4.0.