WMS for INSPIRE Administrative Units
Web Map Service providing access to Administrative Units incl. Maritime Units and boundaries from Agency for Data supply and Efficiency. The content are data from the data sets "DAGI", transformed to the INSPIRE AU GML application schema v4.0 and INSPIRE MU GML application schema v3.0.
- Titel
WMS for INSPIRE Administrative Units
- Dato (Revision)
- 2016-03-31
Ansvarlig myndighed og kontaktoplysninger
- Kontakt vedr. service
Organisationsnavn E-mail adresse Rolle Klimadatastyrelsen
- Metadata author
Organisationsnavn E-mail adresse Rolle Klimadatastyrelsen
Point of contact
- Nøgleord
- Nøgleord
Maritime Units
- Nøgleord
Maritime Boundaries
- Nøgleord
- Type
- Theme
- Titel
INSPIRE Service taxonomy
- Dato (Publication)
- 2010-04-22
- Nøgleord
Administrative units
- Type
- Theme
- Titel
GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0
- Dato (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
- Servicetype
- view
- Koblingstype
- Loose
- Indeholder operationer
Operationsnavn Distribuerede computerplatforme Forbindelsespunkt GetCapabilities
Web services https://services.kortforsyningen.dk/au_inspire GetMap
Web services https://services.kortforsyningen.dk/au_inspire
Vilkår for brug
- Type af brugsbegrænsning
- Other restrictions
- Beskrivelse af begrænsning
- CC BY 4.0
- Type af brugsbegrænsning
- Other restrictions
- Beskrivelse af begrænsning
- no conditions to access and use
- Beskrivelse af begrænsning
The Authority provides a worldwide, free, non-exclusive, and unlimited right of access to data, which is free, inter alia. can: copied, distributed and published, changed and compounded with other material - Used commercially and non-commercially. Data may not be used in such a way that the authority may approve, support, recommend or market the user, the user's products or services. It must be ensured that the use of data is in accordance with Danish law.
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Beskrivelse af begrænsning
- No limitations on public access
- Type som metadata beskriver
- Service
- Andre
Resultat af overholdelse
- Dato (Publication)
- 2009-10-19
- Erklæring
This service is conformant with the INSPIRE Implementing Rules for Network Services.
- Specifikation overholdes
- Yes
Resultat af overholdelse
- Titel
Data Specification on Administrative Units – Technical Guidelines
- Dato (Publication)
- 2014-04-17
- Erklæring
See the referenced specification
- Specifikation overholdes
- Yes
- Beskrivelse
Data from the data set "DAGI", transformed to the INSPIRE AU GML application schema v4.0.