Danske boringer (dybe)
Danish wells (deep)
Samba databasen indeholder bl.a. oplysninger om dybe boringer, udført efter tilladelse jf. undergrundsloven. Det er efterforsknings-, afgrænsnings- og produktionsboringer vedr. olie/gas, geotermi, gaslagring og salt samt videnskabelige boringer. Datasættet indeholder tekniske, administrative og geologiske oplysninger fra boringerne. Data indberettes af det selskab, der udfører boringen. Databasen opdateres løbende.
The Samba database among other things contains information about deep wells in the Danish sector, acquired according to the Danish Act on the Use of the Subsoil. That is: exploration, delimitation and production wells related to oil/gas. Also wells with other purposes such as: geothermal energy, gas storage, salt production and scientific research.
The data sets contains technical, administrative and geological information about the well and about the geophysical measurements undertaken in the well (well logs and reports). Data are submitted by the company to whom the permission has been granted. The database is updated on an ongoing basis.